You have gotten to be long enough, your words have taunted me for way to long. I have to completly destroy you from my life, forget the first time that I saw you to the last time that I saw you. I have to destroy every happy feeling you allowed me to feel as you slowly took control of my life. You controlled me for to long. You only allowed me to feel happy when it was something about us. If I was going out or to see friends, I felt like shit, I know that it didnt stop me from doing what I wanted to but my pleading that I didnt want you talking to your ex obviously meant nothing considering you slept with her at least three times that I can recall. I was just a player in your silly games. And you were just a pawn in my game.Dont let people get to you. They can't pull the trigger if you don't hand them the gun. -me.
The truth is at first I was using you, I didn't want to be with you completely, I wasn't thrilled about holding your hand or kissing you in public. You were an experiment that I fell in love with, I won't lie, I fell in love with you but I fell just as fast out of it as in. You thought I was cheating and lying to you, I know that I wasn't always 110% honest with you but I never once lied majorly to you. I never once lied to hurt you without you knowing it was a lie, because we got into some nasty fights and I lied to make it seem like while you were out slumming it up with her, I was out doing the same just with random girls. We both hurt each other, you just take it to far a lot of the time, you tired to control every aspect of my life from who's number I have in my phone to who I talk to at school. You got upset with me when I became friends with anyone new. You read my txt message and my facebook. You were constantly showing up randomly, I loved seeing you then but looking back now, you were trying to make sure that I knew that I couldn't do anything unfaithful because you could show up at any time. You made damn sure that I was under your control. You intimdated me, you used my personal health against me, you broke my self esteem. You think that I don't know how you felt when I broke up with you for FMB girl, well I know a worse feeling, finding out you were cheated on a lot in a relationship that you thought was pretty solid, that you are worthless to the person you love and says that they love you too. I know the feeling of not mattering enough to you, that I was never enough, that I couldn't be someone you wanted. I always felt that I had to be someone that you would like and not myself. I felt worse then being broken up with, at least I had enough respect for you to end it before cheating, because I knew that if I could want to just hook up with some one, I didnt deserve the person I thought I knew. But I guess that it wouldn't have mattered because you never cared about being with me in the first place. I swear you just didnt want to be alone and you weren't sure that you were going to be back with your ex any time soon.
I know that we fought and had bad times but I believe that something was there when you werent trying to be in contol, when you knew that I was already under you. The week or so before FMB, I think that it was something true, something that could have been a lot but just because for the moment it felt right, never makes it right. Or when I was sick and you still came over, we have some good memories, but that is all they are and will ever be memories just fading away.
You meant the world to me once but it was just an elusion of what I wanted. We both promised each other things that we knew would never happen. Things didn't work out, 99% of relationships in your lifetime won't work out. We didn't last but it moved us into the correct directions.
We both need to move on and just leave the other alone because if we are both finally happy after the struggles in our relationship and what not, we both deserve to be happy and alive. I am glad that you have someone that you want to be with and they make you happy, I know that the waters are rough right now and I would rather just forgive and forget it all, just erase you from my life. and you if you are reading this which you probably are... I dont know why but you should do the same, erase me and my friends that bother you, you dont need the stress and the drama, you have a lot more to worry about. I also dont have to time bash you all the time or once in a blue moon. I don't have time for you. I don't need you nor do I want you and your girlfriend in my life.
-Enemy Of My Soul.
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