There are far more important things in life then arguing over absolutely nothing, to a person that you really dont know. You have to understand that in life, there is going to be people that make you want to hit them clear across the face but you have to look past that and see what they really are, just because a person doesn't make a good first impression, doesnt mean that they are good at heart and with their intentions. Sometimes, we judge people a little to harshly on the way we saw them the first time or how we think that they act, you shouldnt ever judge anyone because you will never know their full story and what they have been through, the emotions that they have felt. This generation is way to quick to judge. We weren't taught the extent of judging a book by its cover, we had to learn the consquinces for ourself and some people haven't gotten that chance yet. We are fighting our own generation on things that we should be standing together on. Gays and lesbians are calling eachother fags, cock suckers, dykes and so much more and honestly gays don't need to be fighting each other because every day we fight the same battle of getting our rights equal to straight peoples'. If the community and government sees us fighting each other, we are never going to be fully respected and equal to straight people if we keep this up, we look ridiculous. We will never be taken seriously. And then there are rape victims arguing that their story is more important, both stories are equally important and maybe if you would stop fighting, you could talk to each other and the pain could start to go away because you won't be alone. Then, we have girls that are pregnant getting looked down on and a bunch of crap from girls who aren't pregnant but if we think about it, it could happen to us just as easily. These girls are going to be mothers, they are going to be taking care of two people instead of just one, they are going to need help and support but no we just tell them that they are sluts and whore and are going to be terrible mothers. That is the worse thing in the entire world, these young mothers need to feel like they have support and being told that they are going to be a terrible mother is not going to make the decsion of keeping their beautiful child any easier.
There is so much wrong in this world with my generation, I am taking responsibility right now and saying that I have not been the perfect person, I have said things to people that I shouldn't have, I have tried to hurt someone because I was pissed at them, I tried to make things for certain people harder than life already was. I see that my actions were wrong and I am sincerly sorry that I did not make the smartest chooses in the past month or so. I wish that I could take back some of the things that I said but I know that I can't. I know that all I can do is apologize, learn from my mistakes and make sure to not repeat lessons that I have already learned and I have to pray that one day the people that I have done wrong can forgive me. I know that I don't deserve forgiveness but I will pray that they can look past it one day because holding grudges and holding on to the past like that can be harmful to ones mental and emotionally stability. Life is tough but we have to be tougher and work together because that will make life that much eaiser.
-Enemy Of My Soul."You can't live in the past because it is already forgotten.-Enemy of my soul.
You shouldn't live in the future because tomorrow is granteed.
You must live in the present because it's not going to pause or stop for you, it will continue on.
And you have to believe in love and forgiveness because it could be just what saves your life. "
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